Below are the Basic Linux Commands for Beginners:
1. pwd Command- pwd command shows the location of the current working directory.
2.mkdir Command- mkdir command allows you to create new directory under any directory.
3.rmdir Command- rmdir command allows you to delete a directory.
Syntax:rmdir Command- ls command show a list of content of a directory.
Syntax:ls Command- cd command allows you to change the current directory.
6. touch Command- touch command allows you to create empty files. We can create multiple empty files by executing it once.
touch <File Name>
touch <File1><File2>
7.cp command- cp command allows you to copy files in Linux
8.clear command- Clear command allows you to clear the terminal display
Syntax: clear
9.echo command- echo command allows you to Print any text that follows the command
Syntax: echo<Text to print on terminal>
10.less command- less command allows you to display paged outputs in the terminal
Syntax:~# cat /a/b/c.cfg | less command- man command allows you to access manual pages for all Linux commands
Syntax: man <command>
12.uname command- Uname command allows you to get basic information about the OS
Syntax:uname -a
13.whoami command- whoami command allows you Get the active username
14.tar Command- tar Command allows you extract and compress files in Linux
Syntax:tar -xvf <archive name>
15.grep Command- grep Command allows you to Search for a string within an output
Syntax: grep “<string to find>”
16.head Command- head Command is used to return the specified number of lines from the top
Syntax:head<File Name>
17.tail Command- tail Command return the specified number of lines from the bottom
Syntax:tail<File Name>
18.diff Command- diff Command allows you to Find the difference between two files
Syntax:diff<File 1><File 2>
19.cmp Command- cmp command allows you to check if two files are identical
Syntax:cmp<File 1><File 2>
20.comm Command- comm command combines the functionality of diff and cmp
Syntax:comm<File 1><File 2>
21.sort Command- sort command allows you to sort the content of a file while outputting
Syntax:sort<File Name>
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