Reliability testing is a technique for determining a software’s capacity to perform in a specific environment, which aids in the discovery of bugs in the software’s design and functionality. It is defined as a type of software testing that assesses whether a piece of software can operate without fail for a set period of time in a given environment.
System testing within the spectrum of software testing
System Testing is a type of software testing that is carried out on an entire integrated system in order to assess the system’s compliance with the appropriate requirements.
Blockchain Testing-All You should know about Blockchain
Blockchain is a distributed database store growing list of records, called blocks. Each block contains a hash of the previous block and a timestamp.
Compatibility Testing : All You need to know
Compatibility Testing is a type of Software testing that determines if your software can run on different combinations of hardware, operating systems, applications, network settings, or Mobile devices.
What Is The IoT You Should Know
IoT stands for Internet of things is a network of interconnected computing devices, automatic and digital machines provided with unique identifiers and the capability to move data over a network without human intervention.
What is User Acceptance Testing (UAT)?
ACCEPTANCE TESTING is a level of software testing wherein a system is tested for acceptability. The aim of acceptance testing is to measure the system’s compliance
Black Box Testing – Detailed Overview Expert Guide
BLACK BOX TESTING is a software testing method wherein the internal structure (source code) of the tested feature is unknown to the tester. These tests can be functional or non-functional, it is also known as Behavioural Testing BLACK BOX TESTING method is named after the fact that the software program seems to the tester to be […]
Shift Left Testing: Meaning,Need & Benefits: Expert Guide
What is Shift Left Testing? Shift left testing is a process where testing is done at early phases in the development process. This tetsing is about finding problems and fixing them at an early stage. By testing at the early stages in the development process, we can fix bugs before they become bigger problems. This […]
Keys to Successful Unit Testing
Unit testing is a testing technique wherein individual components are checked by the developer to see if there is any bug in the code. It is to check individual features functionality.
Big Data Testing- Meaning, Need and Challenges
Big Data Refers to the huge and complex data sets from new data sources. These data sets are so huge and complex that traditional data processing software is not capable to store it and process it.