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Ultimate Guide to Compliance Testing: Steps, Tools, and Best Practices

Compliance testing is a type of testing used to make sure a product or system complies with legal or regulatory standards.Although compliance can take many forms, it is always aimed at safeguarding stakeholders, businesses, and users.

Compliance Types

508 Compliance

The Rehabilitation Act of 1973 was amended by US legislation known as Section 508. Testing for 508 compliance entails including technological technologies for people with disabilities. The most frequently reported disabilities that are tested for are visual impairments such as color blindness, hearing impairments, flash sensitivity, and specific learning or physical disabilities.
Enhancing the user experience requires employing things like San Serif fonts.

Think about how important it is to use color as a distinguishing element on a web page if a person is color blind. Will the user be able to finish the activity if the instructions say to “Click the green button to stop”?
Using sound as a distinguishing factor can present problems if the user has hearing loss. Would the user know when to type if the instructions said, “Type your name after the beep”? Is there an additional indication available?
Dyslexic individuals may find it difficult to read certain fonts. Improving the user experience requires making text accessible and understandable, such as by utilizing san serif fonts.

PCI Compliance

The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) introduced in 2006 safeguards credit card customers by ensuring that all businesses process, store, and transmit credit card data securely. PCI testing often includes penetration testing and other security testing across devices and networks. Every year, the credit card processing company where I used to work audited our PCI compliance. The procedure tired me out as I constantly faced questions about the things I had approved.Nonetheless, the task’s gravity increased my sense of product ownership.

SOX Compliance

Publicly traded firms in the United States and foreign-owned publicly traded companies that do business in the United States are subject to liability for accounting errors, whether deliberate or unintentional, according to the 2002 Sarbanes-Oxley Act. The data provided to shareholders is among the crucial information, since their decision-making depends heavily on accuracy. I also worked as a SOX compliance tester. There were continual internal and external audits.

Industry-Specific Compliance

Certain industries, such as the food, pharmaceutical, automotive, and medical sectors, have compliance requirements unique to them.


There are tight safety regulations that the automotive industry must adhere to. To guarantee the safety of drivers and passengers, they test safety features such as airbags, seatbelts, and braking. Strict guidelines are also in place in the medical industry for testing medical devices. For example, it’s crucial that a diabetic who uses an insulin pump can have faith in the apparatus. It is essential to test sensitivity and accuracy under various circumstances. But take dependability into account as well. Does the device have an indicator or warning light for low battery? Numerous agencies have strict guidelines and regulations pertaining to the medical field. Medical sites must take into account HIPAA compliance, which safeguards users’ medical records, in addition to hardware testing.

Location-Specific Compliance

When a website serves people in a specific location, it may be subject to specific laws or policies. Here are some examples.


  • CCPA – The California Consumer Privacy Act is a privacy law designed to protect the personally identifiable information of California residents.
  • CPRA – The California Privacy Rights Act goes into effect in January 2023. It expands on the CCPA and adds that any website that collects data must comply. Previously, this only affected websites that collected and sold data.
  • CalOPPA – The California Online Privacy Protection Act requires websites to disclose any third parties that collect user data.
  • Eraser Button Law – The California Minors Digital Privacy Act (known as the Delete Button Act) protects minors in California. It enforces a rule that any website where minors can create accounts and post content must also provide the ability to delete that content at any time.


  • General Data Protection Regulation – GDPR protects users in Europe by enforcing laws on websites that provide goods and services by establishing guidelines for what data can be collected, how, and when that data can be used.
  • EU Cookie Directive – The EU Cookie Directive, also known as the Cookie Law, protects users in the EU by requiring websites to obtain user consent before collecting their cookie data.


Consumer Privacy Protection Act (CPPA) requires websites to disclose to users how their data is collected and used, safeguarding the nation’s data.

How to Conduct Compliance Testing

The common objective of the various forms of compliance and testing is to deliver a high-quality product that is advantageous to both the user and the business.

Test Planning

  • The first step in conformance testing is test planning. First of all, it is essential to have a complete understanding of the requirements. Additionally, testers must be aware of the laws or regulations of the system they are testing. Finally, test planning is the ideal time to clarify any conflicts or questions regarding the requirements before writing test cases.It is also likely that other questions will arise during testing. Therefore, a point of contact must be established, someone who can clarify any ambiguities discovered during implementation. Another essential part of test planning involves understanding who will be the users.For example, are you testing SOX compliance and are your end users shareholders? If so, perhaps consider creating a financial report that can be read at their level. Or are you testing a website for 508 compliance? If so, you will have multiple end users and may need multiple test cases for each.

Execute Test

  • Execute your test cases in an environment that is as close to production as possible. You will need the same equipment and experience as your users. Never be afraid to ask for what you need. Conformance testing is essential and a system cannot be approved if it is not reasonably similar to what the end user will experience.
  • Test Analysis and Reporting
    • Since compliance testing often involves legal requirements, it is imperative to keep records of testing and test results. Traceability is essential as it will help testers provide detailed information about the test coverage. Discuss acceptance values ​​when planning tests.Error management will be more important during compliance testing than in other types of testing, because a critical error can make the difference between compliance and non-compliance. Additionally, mistakes can be costly and lead to loss of reputation and legal consequences. Therefore, a procedure is needed to describe how critical errors and defects are handled.
  • Compliance Testing and Certification Tools
    • Website compliance is a broad topic with several subcategories. Due to its expansive nature, a number of tools are available. Some of these tools facilitate the testing process, while others facilitate the certification process.
  • 508 Compliance Tools
    • Color Oracle is a free testing tool. It advertises itself as “the best algorithm available for visualizing color vision deficiencies,” which it does by simulating different types of color blindness. The product allows users to apply a full-screen color filter to their computer, and the linked page lists other useful design tools for color grading.ANDI is a free auditing tool developed by the U.S. Social Security Administration. It is a browser extension for Chrome, Edge, Firefox, and Safari that detects accessibility issues and makes recommendations for improvement.
  • PCI Compliance Tools
    • SolarWinds offers a suite of products that provide audits for PCI-related events and file integrity monitoring. This is a paid service that offers basic and more advanced options and is priced monthly per node. Compliance certification is provided by Comodo, which is an approved scanning service provider offering PCI scanning.. It offers endpoint protection and operational breach protection. The site does not list prices, but you can request them with a free demo.SecurityMetrics is a PCI, GDPR, and HIPPA compliance certification tool that helps you achieve and maintain compliance. It offers security auditing and testing services.
  • SOX Compliance Tool
    • The SolarWinds mentioned above, also offers products that provide customizable reports for creating SOX compliance profiles.
  • AuditBoard is the leading cloud-based SOX compliance management tool. Pricing is not available on the website, but you can request pricing details and a free demo.
  • Compliance Auditing Tips
    • One way to make compliance auditing easier is to understand the regulations. Auditors can earn a variety of certifications to solidify their knowledge of a particular type of compliance.Master your documentation skills. As described above, documentation is more important than ever when performing compliance testing. Having a great process for recording and storing test data can be a lifesaver if questions arise.Don’t be afraid to use tools. While there are many and the selection process may seem complicated, the right tools will improve the quality and time it takes to test, making the benefits invaluable. While learning a new program may take an hour, it can save you several hours of work.Also, don’t be afraid to ask questions or ask for clarification. As a tester, when you test and approve something, you are responsible for the conformity of that product. No one should expect you to sign off on something unless you have the confidence to do so.


Because compliance testing is a serious process, it can be time-consuming and stressful. Still, paying close attention is the right course of action because problems that go unnoticed can have dire repercussions. Compliance testing is satisfying despite its importance because it allows the tester to take personal responsibility for a system inside a company. Complying with regulations or meeting specific requirements is essential for successful compliance testing.

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